Thursday, August 20, 2009

E.T.A. One Week

Hér er litill gróður og mikið grjót. (Here there is little greenery and a lot of rocks—a sentence they teach you in the online Icelandic language course.)

I don’t know yet from first-hand experience whether this sentence is accurate, but it seems like as good a start as any for a blog that’s beginning as I leave Virginia and head toward Reykjavík. I fly out on August 27th and arrive the next day in Kaflavík Airport to begin my year abroad at the University of Iceland.

It’s been an absolutely wonderful summer despite the red-tape mambo that I’ve been dancing for the past three months trying to get my papers in order. Iceland must be a very desirable place to be if they guard their borders so zealously; that’s all I’ll say on that subject. I look forward to my trip with some trepidation, as always, but with a great deal of excitement too. How often do you get to spend 9 months in a foreign country and get a masters degree out of it to boot?

Who knows when I’ll be able to post again, but I hope more or less to catalog at least the big things. Classes for the Medieval Icelandic Studies program begin the last day of August, so by then perhaps I’ll have something worth reporting. Check back and I’ll post pictures when I can!

1 comment:

  1. I love the name of your blog! Glad you were able to get your visa okay. I look forward to following your grand Icelandic adventures. :)
