Friday, February 24, 2012

Snow: Remember When?

Remember when we used to do the snow dance in hopes of getting a day off from school?

Remember when your first thought about snow was “Sledding!” and not “Shoveling”?

Remember when coats were nothing more than an encumbrance to playing on the monkey bars at recess? (In my school we always used to bundle up under Teacher’s watchful eye, then go outside and promptly dump our coats in a pile, no matter how cold it was, because the recess monitors didn’t stop us.)

Remember when wet socks, runny noses, numb fingers, and wind whipping through zippers were no reason not to lie down in the snow to make snow angels?

I remember those days. They seem very long ago and I’m not entirely certain I want to recover them. (I like being warm, dry, and weatherproofed, thank you very much.) But when we had an unexpected snow storm over Presidents’ Day weekend, I did the best I could to do justice to the weather.

I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and watched the snow fall (from indoors), and the next morning I took pictures like no one’s business.  (I have many more, but apparently there's a glitch in the program I used to change orientation, so everything upright comes out sideways on the blog: these will have to do for now!)